Vision, mission & values
We live to create rich, welcoming and nurturing cultural environments in which artists and communities come together to inspire people and change lives.
Our mission is to change people’s lives, through increased engagement in the arts, with a particular focus on dance.
We recognise the long-term nature of this mission and have identified three key strands of activity that will help us to deliver it over time:
· Becoming a leading dance organisation in Gateshead and the North East providing educational, community, and professional opportunities to engage in dance and cultural creativity.
· Making regional, national, and international excellence local.
· Developing Gateway Studio and the Trinity Centre into a vibrant, lively centre for dance and related arts that celebrates the unique heritage of our prime location on Gateshead High Street.
In delivering our mission, we ensure that all of our activities are imbued with the following core values, which capture the spirit of Gateway and guide everything we do:
Professional Accessible
Fun Sustainable
Courageous Collaborative
Envisioned Ethical
Inspiring Actively anti-racist
Creative Genuine / Authentic
Challenging Emotionally intelligent